The Passivhaus Building Platform, PEP, recently gave different seminars of Next Generation European aid. In addition, they took the opportunity to disseminate the Passivhaus standard, as well as its application in the rehabilitation of buildings.
In our Galician community, and more specifically in the city of A Coruña, we had the opportunity to attend one of these conferences on October 26. In it, interested parties were informed of the requirements to access these European aids and to know in detail the standard in their locality or region, a building standard capable of saving up to 75% of heating and cooling needs.
In the context of the current energy crisis, everyone is aware of the importance of being more energy efficient and polluting less. Enerphit is a tool studied and planned to ensure that buildings rehabilitated with this methodology are as efficient as possible, while avoiding pathologies in partial or specific interventions and guaranteeing that the investment for this is optimal. Our team of technicians at Abeiro will help you design your project and will take care of writing it and presenting it to the town halls.
c/ San Roque 33, Bajo
Santiago de Compostela
© Abeiro