Detection of Problems in Ventilated Facades

fachada ventilada

Detection of Problems in Ventilated Facades


A ventilated facade is a type of exterior cladding for buildings that involves the installation of a system with separate layers in the building envelope. This technique creates a ventilated air space between the structure of the building and the exterior cladding. The ventilated facade typically consists of various elements, which may include:


  • Structural support: The basic structure of the building.
  • Thermal insulation: Placed over the structural support to improve the energy efficiency of the building.
  • Air gap: A ventilated space between the insulation and the exterior cladding, allowing air circulation.
  • Exterior cladding: The final visible layer, which can be composed of various materials such as ceramic, stone, metal, glass, among others.

Ventilation between the exterior cladding and the building structure serves several beneficial purposes, such as thermal insulation, humidity control, and structural protection.


This type of system is increasingly used in construction due to its benefits in terms of energy efficiency, durability, and aesthetics.


Despite its proven thermal efficiency, attention must be paid to potential issues during the execution of the ventilated facade.


Insulation Problems: If thermal insulation is not installed correctly, there may be energy efficiency losses. Poor installation or the choice of inappropriate insulation material can compromise the facade's ability to control heat transfer.


Anchoring Problems: The fixation and anchoring of exterior panels to the building structure are critical. Issues in anchoring systems can lead to detachment, cracks, or even the falling of parts of the cladding, posing a danger.


Water Accumulation: Without a proper barrier against rain and humidity, water could accumulate in the air gap, causing condensation problems, corrosion, or even long-term structural damage.


Sealing Issues: The ventilated facade must be airtight to prevent the entry of unwanted water and air. Deficiencies in sealing can lead to water infiltration, loss of energy efficiency, and indoor air quality problems.


Material Wear: Exposure to extreme weather conditions, solar radiation, and atmospheric pollutants can affect the durability of materials used in the ventilated facade. This could lead to discoloration, corrosion, or premature deterioration.


Insufficient Maintenance: Ventilated facades require periodic maintenance to ensure their performance over time. Lack of proper maintenance can lead to dirt accumulation, material deterioration, and other issues.